Maintenance Tips For Aluminum Doors

Aluminum is a popular option for an exterior door. Not only do they look nearly indistinguishable from a painted wooden door, they are also much more durable and low maintenance. Low maintenance doesn't equal no maintenance, though. You still need to make sure you properly care for your doors so they last a long time. The following tips can help: Tip #1: Wipe down the door monthly Wiping down the door with a damp cloth or an all-purpose cleaner does more than keeping it looking nice, it also helps avoid damage. [Read More]

3 Things You Need To Understand About The Difference Between Impact Resistant Windows & Regular Windows

Impact resistant windows are designed to provide your home with an extra layer of protection that you don't get from regular glass windows. There are a few key differences that you need to understand between impact resistant windows and regular windows. #1 Get an Insurance Discount When you install impact resistant windows in your home, make sure that you let your insurance company know. Many insurance companies offer a discount for having impact resistant windows in your home. [Read More]

4 Ways To Make A Small Bathroom Look Bigger

Just because your bathroom is on the small size, doesn't have to mean it feels cramped and tiny. There are decorating, and visual tricks you can try that will make even a very small bathroom look and feel more airy and spacious. Whether you are staging your home for sale or simply want to enjoy a larger-feeling bathroom for yourself and your guests, try these four easy tips for making a small bathroom look bigger: [Read More]